According to Merrill Matthews; Senior Fellow at the Institute for Policy Innovation, “We do not think a U.S. recession is imminent, but the threat is very real; the caution flags are waving. Nor do we think recessions are inevitable. Rather, they are almost always the result of misguided policies — sometimes exacerbated by the Federal Reserve Bank,… [Read More]
The Large Bank Stranglehold is Tightened!
I continue to tell my audiences the large banks have a “stranglehold” on our country and that “The Dodd-Frank provisions attempting to place controls on the large banks have been systematically gutted …” As 2015 comes to a close all eyes in Washington D.C. are looking at a critical deadline which looms over Congress, our… [Read More]
Dodd–Frank challenged in court! A Win for Community Banking and the American Public
In what is being hailed as “a win for the American public,” the D.C. Court of Appeals granted standing to challenge in court the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The D.C. Circuit Court handed down a favorable ruling in the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s (CEI, a D.C…. [Read More]
Senator Warren: Enough is Enough with “Too Big To Fail” Citigroup
Kudos to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren for ripping Citigroup apart last week in her challenge to Congress and exposing Wall Street’s continued unethical activities. Senator Warren vehemently objected to a little-known provision written by Citigroup and inserted in the year end funding bill that would undo a new financial regulation and allow Wall Street to… [Read More]