Every once in a while events happen that really get to you. In the last decade I’ve sure had more than my share of these, but I have to tell you, this last Sunday’s article in the Dallas Morning News Business section about the incidents at Citigroup and my role in them, both exhilarated and humbled me. She titled it, An Unsung Hero!
Yes, it got to me.
The writer, Cheryl Hall, is well known for her real people stories and I was delighted to be chosen for an interview. I expected a couple of paragraphs on my story as it regards Citigroup and instead opened it up to a full page and a half of spot-on information.
Ms. Hall even mentioned that Citigroup sent a statement to the DMN on the Friday before its Sunday publication saying that “its settlement with the government was unrelated to Bowen.” Ms. Hall did her homework and clearly outlined the events that led up to my testimony.
After so many years of hammering home my message, as she puts it, is it possible that folks are starting to pay real attention to the malfeasance going on. Is it possible that articles like this one may eventually lead to real settlements that reflect the size of the fraud that was perpetrated on the American public?
To date, as I keep ranting, no banker from any of the Too Big to Fail banks has been criminally charged in the aftermath.
I truly believe we are headed for another financial crisis and if articles like this one can call the public’s attention to what is really transpiring behind the scenes and the many instances where the big banks are writing Congressional bills, then what I had to undergo was all worthwhile.
Read on – and let me know what you think.
And tell your friends, that before it’s too late, we’ve got to raise our windows and yell out,” I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”
Read the story on The Dallas Morning News here.